The Sculpted Vegan is the Worlds largest online Vegan Body Building Company. Owner and founder, Kim Constable is a world-renowned fitness icon. Her motivational, no-BS mentality has inspired countless people all over the globe to reinvest in their health and get started on a path towards fitness. In her tenure as a pro bikini athlete, she’s written hundreds of fitness articles and has sold thousands of body sculpting programs worldwide. Follow us on social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesculptedvegan/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesculptedvegan Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheSculptedVegan Twitter: https://twitter.com/sculptedvegan Website: https://thesculptedvegan.com/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesculptedvegan
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Are you an approval addict?
So many of us are living our lives to make everyone around us think we are someone we’re not. We don’t do this on purpose to be deceptive; there is a deeply-ingrained need to seek the approval of everyone around us so that we feel safe and comfortable.
But have you ever thought about why we gravitate towards comfort? Why is it that most people stay stagnant in life and never see real growth or success?
We’re living in a world where we have vilified discomfort. We give everyone a participation trophy, so they don’t feel bummed, stop our children from crying or feeling strong emotions, worry about offending people (thereby stifling ourselves), and create habits of convenience because the alternative is hard.
I finally had a chance to sit down and interview one of the funniest and most amazing people ever, JP Sears (the episode you all have been dying to hear!). We talk about how chasing discomfort is actually the key to success.
An insanely talented comedian, he is probably best-known for his sarcastic sense of humor. He often focuses on real-world issues, like Coronavirus, politics, and even gluten intolerance issues (you will hear about this in the episode!). He throws unexpected twists into the humor that many people don’t appreciate (one of the many reasons I love him).
His comedy is designed to get people to cut the scar tissue that binds them and think for themselves. It’s never about the surface-level topic you are listening to; it’s about the underpinnings of human behavior.
We draw some surprising parallels with our childhoods and how we are now as parents (he is a new dad to an adorable little boy!)
As you listen, you will hear some deep stuff, including:
- The deeper meaning behind him chasing discomfort
- Why he thinks people’s avoidance of discomfort is the root of their unhappiness
- The core values he hopes to instill in his son
- What he thinks is missing the most in the world
- His definition of evil and which emotion leads us to its effect
- The dumbest advice he has ever given himself
- False measurements of success and how they can destroy our children
- ...and so much more powerful stuff
This interview truly hit me so profoundly, and I can’t wait for you to hear it.
Love Kim xo
Reference List:
How to Become Gluten Intolerant (JP Sears) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oht9AEq1798)
- Wim Hof Method (https://www.wimhofmethod.com/)
- Awaken with JP (https://awakenwithjp.com/)
- JP’s IG (https://www.instagram.com/awakenwithjp/)
“The more I become ME, the more successful I become.”
“Your biggest weakness is also your biggest strength.”
“We can only be as strong as our adversity is deep.”
“The greatest burden that a child must bear is the unlived life of the parents.” -Carl Jung
“There’s always a story under the story.”
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
I truly believe that failing is the best way to learn life’s most valuable lessons. If you’re not failing, you’re holding yourself back from living up to your true potential and from being wildly successful.
I had the pleasure of interviewing a brilliant email marketing expert and copywriting course creator, Tarzan Kay (isn’t her name just fabulous?). Tarzan was never financially secure growing up and well into adulthood. Born into an intensely Christian family, (where she could only wear dresses, couldn’t watch TV, etc.), she was basically forced to focus on finding her life’s purpose.
Tarzan credits her strict (& often tumultuous) childhood for who she is today. As a teenager, she fell into a life of drug use but found the incredible strength at age 20 to slam on the breaks and not allow herself to continue down that dark path.
She became one of the world’s best copywriters (charging thousands of dollars a day for her amazing work) and has since focused her career on creating online courses to help other entrepreneurs learn the incredible skill of writing to sell (a.k.a copywriting).
Now a mom of 2, she’s the breadwinner for her family and wouldn’t have it any other way. She has found her life’s purpose and candidly shares all the failures that brought her to where she is today.
She also opens up about the truth behind how the marketing industry feeds into unrealistic expectations for your business (no one talks about this!)
As you listen to this episode, you’ll also hear:
- The fascinating story behind her name (this is EPIC)
- The one thing she wishes she knew when she first started
- How your failures ultimately lead to your biggest successes
- The intense moment she “woke up” and gained awareness at a whole different level (brace yourself for this one—it’s utterly fantastic)
I can’t wait for you to hear this!
Love, Kim xo
Reference List:
- Tarzan Kay’s courses (https://tarzankay.com/)
- Swipe files of her awesome sales emails (https://tarzankay.com/emails)
- Tarzan Kay’s IG: (https://www.instagram.com/tarzan_kay/?hl=en)
- “Copy Caboose” (launches March 2021!)
“You can write all you want, but if you can’t sell, you’re not going to be successful.”
“Your biggest failures become your best stories.”
“Failure is how we learn. If you don’t admit where you’ve failed, you’re holding the business back.”
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Most people don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
(That’s actually not a bad thing.)
They dream of having enough money to live in total financial freedom, but when the reality strikes, and it’s time to toe the line, they fall short.
Why does this happen?
I had the honor of interviewing John Lee Dumas, founder & host of Entrepreneurs On Fire, who boldly answers this question and many more.
John was an active-duty officer in the U.S. Army (spending time in a war zone in Iraq), where he developed an insane level of discipline and mental fortitude at quite a young age. He is definitely no stranger to overcoming challenges that seem impossible and uses those skills strategically in his business.
In this episode, he discusses his new book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment, in which he lays out a 17-step roadmap to unlocking your greatest potential and creating a life of total fulfillment.
(He even talks about some of those steps during the interview—one of which will blow your damn mind!)
John has identified the common foundational principles successful entrepreneurs share that allow them to achieve uncommon success, and he dives deep into some of these in our interview.
He also boldly goes where not many people are willing to go, and that is bringing to light that not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how that isn’t a bad thing!
As you listen to this incredible interview, you will learn:
- The importance of the “Zone of Fire” and how to identify yours
- How being a “challenger” can help you reach massive success
- What 3 specific things John Lee has done better than most entrepreneurs
- The one thing that I attribute to my own high efficiency
- My #1 goal in life (this might even shock you)
- What John thinks about the idea that money cannot buy happiness
- John acronym for F.O.C.U.S (this is fantastic)
He also shares how he generated $100,000+ net profit for 90 months in a row (which you can learn about in more detail in his book, which is now available for pre-order).
I can’t wait for you to hear this!
Love, Kim xo
Reference List:
- The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment (https://www.amazon.com/Common-Path-Uncommon-Success-Fulfillment/dp/1400221099)
- John Lee Dumas interviews Kim Constable (https://www.eofire.com/podcast/kimconstable/)
- Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant (https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Ocean-Strategy-Uncontested-Competition/dp/1591396190)
- Enneagram Test: (https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions)
The 100-Day Goal Journal: Accomplish What Matters to You (https://www.amazon.com/100-Day-Goal-Journal-Accomplish-Matters/dp/1454930748/ref=pd_bxgy_3/141-4370678-3943145?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1454930748&pd_rd_r=90c319af-2182-418c-ab69-f8c35bfd5e4e&pd_rd_w=GF3Yp&pd_rd_wg=xOirx&pf_rd_p=f325d01c-4658-4593-be83-3e12ca663f0e&pf_rd_r=C6VFNTX2TC34Y792NBQA&psc=1&refRID=C6VFNTX2TC34Y792NBQA)
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (https://www.amazon.com/Dip-Little-Book-Teaches-Stick/dp/1591841666/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+dip&qid=1613580346&s=books&sr=1-1)
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing (https://www.amazon.com/Top-Five-Regrets-Dying-Transformed/dp/140194065X)
“If you follow this roadmap and you don’t achieve your version of financial freedom and fulfillment in 3-6 months, then maybe this entrepreneurship thing isn’t for you.”
“The higher the barrier you can set, the lower the competition.”
“The best solution to a real problem wins.”
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
We are a society of quick-fixes.
It seems that there are certain fixes that women do to themselves that are entirely acceptable (hair dye, false eyelashes, hair extensions, cosmetic tattoos), yet others are so taboo that if you admit you’ve done them, be ready for the judgy eye rolls and insults.
I recently posted something on my Instagram about a procedure I had done to stimulate my natural collagen production around one side of my glutes.
(You would have thought I announced a criminal act.)
I have spent the last 5 years strategically building my body. Six weeks ago, I got 10 tiny threads in my butt, and the internet went ballistic because apparently, my body is now “unattainable” and “unrealistic” (I literally had one little line softened under my butt).
I’ve been told I’m a sellout, a liar, and overly-obsessed with my looks.
I’ve lost followers, and people have not filtered their disappointment in me.
But I’ve also had many wonderful messages thanking me for being so transparent about the work I get done.
If a woman wants to enhance her looks to give her more confidence, why is this such a shame in our society? I’ve never understood this. Women deserve to feel beautiful at all stages of their lives, so why do people lose their bloody minds over cosmetic work?
In this episode, I interviewed my personal aesthetic nurse, Lisa Waring, from Face Therapy NI here in Belfast. She’s absolutely incredible and so knowledgeable.
She dishes all the details about these procedures that everyone should know.
You will learn:
- Why you should ALWAYS go to a medical practitioner for your cosmetic procedures
- The worst horror story of Lisa’s career
- The one thing Lisa wishes she would’ve known when she first started
- What botox really is and how it works in the body (hint: this does not change regardless of where you go for it)
- A shocking fact about cosmetic filler that most people probably don’t know
- What body part Lisa thinks clients should treat first
She also gives fantastic advice for women who may be scared or worried about backlash if they ever admitted they had these procedures done.
You don’t want to miss this one! Happy listening!
Love, Kim xo
Reference List:
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology/Pubmed - Botulinum toxin cosmetic therapy correlates with a more positive mood (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19250162/)
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life - (https://www.amazon.com/Subtle-Art-Not-Giving-Counterintuitive/dp/0062457713)
- Find Lisa:
- Face Therapy NI (https://facetherapyni.com/)
- IG: (https://www.instagram.com/facetherapyni/?hl=en)
Getting aesthetic treatments is not a moral failing.
“The rare people who do become truly exceptional at something do so not because they believe they're exceptional. On the contrary, they become amazing because they're obsessed with improvement.” - Mark Manson (Author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F^ck)
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Learn All My Success Secrets In This Bonus Interview With Shane Walsh - Episode 67
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
It took me 6 years to make my first million and nearly 5 years to get the body I have now.
My successes haven’t come easily.
I remember vividly the moment I decided I wasn’t happy with my body - at age 37!
(you’ll hear about this moment in this episode)
I had been living on 1200-1400 calories a day, basically starving, and still wasn’t happy. Something clicked. I knew the only way I was going to change my body was to do something different.
Joining the gym and finally hitting the weights for the first time in my life ignited my love of muscles that was dormant for many years.
My body changed rapidly as I trained hard AF, ate like a horse, and filled up my softening, sagging skin with gorgeously plump muscles.
I showed up every damn day, did the work, and refused to give up.
And I apply this to everything that I do. It’s the reason I now run two multi-million dollar businesses, have an incredible family life, and have a physique I’m damn proud of.
It was never easy. It will never be easy. But it’s certainly much easier than giving up and looking back wondering how successful I could have been.
You’re going to hear all about:
- What my husband was worried about when I started competing years ago
- What not to say to your kids to ensure they have a healthy body image
- How I balance my work life, family life, and personal body goals (these tips might surprise you)
- My top advice for ultimate physique change
- The hilarious reason I first went vegetarian (& eventually vegan)
- and so much more!
As you listen to this episode, I want you to identify what success looks like for you, and how you can apply my tips to ensure you’re on the right track towards meeting any goal you have.
I can’t wait for you to hear this.
Love, Kim xo
Reference List:
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health (https://www.amazon.com/China-Study-Comprehensive-Nutrition-Implications/dp/1932100660)
Quotes used:
If more women understood the relationship between food and muscle, they wouldn’t be so afraid to eat.
Your biggest weakness is also your biggest strength.
Show up, do the work, do it consistently, and refuse to give up.
Invest in growth before you need to grow.
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
From Broke to $10 Million - Interview with Amy Porterfield - Episode 66
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Several years ago, when I started The Sculpted Vegan, there was one specific investment I made that would forever change the course of my businesses:
Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy
Amy (who calls herself “The Queen of Baby Steps”, and you’ll hear why) has been a huge source of inspiration to me.
Last year, she reached the $10 million dollar turnover mark, has been featured in Forbes for breaking the glass ceiling, has sold more than 40,000 courses, has a mailing list of over a quarter of a million subscribers, and the list goes on!
She is truly an incredible businesswoman, mentor, and friend.
I have been a champion of hers for many years, so you can imagine my delight when she agreed to be on the podcast!
(It’s really going to blow your socks off)
Listen to how she talks so candidly about:
- Her successes AND failures (if you know me, you know I love failures!)
- How increasing awareness surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement became the catalyst for positive changes in her business practices
- How she got started in the industry and the moment she knew she wanted to be her own boss
- 2 things she says that stop people from reaching true success
- How she really feels about her husband
- The biggest lesson she has learned in life
You’re going to absolutely love this podcast!
Reference List:
- Digital Course Academy ( does not open until March 2021, so no link)
- Amy’s podcast (https://www.amyporterfield.com/amy-porterfield-podcast/)
- Amy’s Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/amyporterfield/?hl=en)
- Amy’s Clubhouse (@amyporterfield)
- Forbes Article: (https://www.forbes.com/sites/celinnedacosta/2019/08/27/how-one-woman-broke-through-the-glass-ceiling-and-built-a-multi-million-dollar-online-course-empire/?sh=31bf93077def)
- Grant Cardone (https://grantcardone.com/)
Quotes used:
If people hate you and talk about you, that’s great! That means they will spread your name far and wide.
Just because you didn’t know, doesn’t mean you’re not responsible.
Lead with compassion. People are fighting battles we know nothing about.
Freedom lies in the capacity to pause between stimulus and response.
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
15 months ago I hated negotiating.
I hated asking for discounts and I hated haggling on price.
I was an effective communicator, but I wasn’t an effective negotiator.
I got nervous in negotiating situations because I wasn’t sure how to ask for what I wanted, without seeming demanding or unreasonable.
That’s when I discovered Chris Voss.
Searching on Audible, I found Voss’ book ‘Never Split the Difference’. An ex FBI negotiator, the book taught me negotiating skills that changed my life.
Armed with these new skills (and a completely new mindset around negotiating), it would not be an overstretch to say that my life has transformed.
I have used the skills Voss teaches to develop deeper relationships with my husband, kids, family and employees.
I have saved myself thousands of dollars, received complimentary upgrades on flights and in hotels and diverted crises in the business with staff and customers.
When Chris agreed to be a guest on my podcast, I jumped for joy.
I saw that he was hosting a FREE 5 Day Negotiation Challenge through a private Facebook Group.
So I reached out to him on Instagram and offered to share it with my audience.
Ten minutes later we had exchanged cell phone numbers and set up a podcast interview at 7am UK time (this was 8pm on Saturday night).
Do yourself a favour and listen to this interview with master negotiator himself, Chris Voss.
I know I am fangirling all over this right now, but with good reason. I need you to trust me on this one.
If you want to be successful in life, relationships or money making, you NEED to learn the secrets of tactical empathy and negotiation.
Listen to the interview and sign up for the challenge.
And after you’ve listened, please leave me a comment and let me know your favourite part!
Don’t forget to also follow Chris on Instagram.
See you inside the challenge! It’s going to be epic.
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
How I Overcome This Fear To Sculpt And Shred My Body - Episode 64
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Your beliefs around fear can either mobilize you or paralyze you. Many people think that I’m fearless, but that’s actually not the case. Plenty of things scare me! But throughout my childhood, I developed a postulate around fear that has enabled me to plow forward despite it.
This postulate (which you will hear about in this episode) has actually become the very thing that has caused me massive amounts of stress, anxiety, nausea, and physical pain in recent months surrounding my workout sessions.
Listen to what I realized has been going on with me lately and how one simple question to my trainer Mark has completely changed everything.
You will hear:
- How my back pain history led me down the path towards strength training
- What my REAL problem was with my back, and how I made the pain disappear (it isn’t what you think)
- How to identify real fear
- A unique tip for facing fear head-on and learning how to respond to it
- How to assess a situation rationally (and how this skill can be damaged when authority figures in a child’s life shout at them)
- ...and so many more gold nuggets that will help you sculpt a shit-hot physique even if you’re afraid of what it might take to do it
“Do what you can do and not what you THINK you can do.”
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Destroy All Your Crazy Rules About What to Eat - Episode 63
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Christmas, huh? It’s been a couple of weeks of chocolate piled high in the living room, and gorgeous treats spread out in the kitchen. You didn’t know whether to abstain and feel miserable, or dive in and feel guilty. Sucks, right? But what if I could transform your whole way of looking at food?
I used to have a very unhealthy attitude towards food, established (as most of these things are) when I was a child. For years, I was scared of getting fat. Terrified. But now I’m so much more relaxed about food, able to indulge when I want, and shred when I need to. So what triggered this change? How did I do it? Listen in to find out.
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
10 Tips to Keep You Motivated at Christmas - Episode 62
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
No drinking, no Christmas dinner, no mince pies, no yule log, no lazing in bed until mid-day! Sorry but no. Who am I kidding? It’s Christmas! Time to celebrate all the effort you’ve put into what can only be described as a pretty poor year. But… if you’re looking to have a good time and still keep half an eye on your health and fitness, this is the place to be. I’m Irish and we’re known the world over for our innate ability to party, So if anybody knows how to walk the tightrope between letting your hair down and falling off the edge of that very tall skyscraper, it’s me. So pour yourself a glass of your favourite tipple and let’s talk about having an epic Christmas.